Sample use of chords

The tablature file is like an HTML file, it uses tags. The first tag is <M>, which must enclose all things in a mesure. To write a chord, use the CHORD tag with its name, for instance : <Chord name="@0A"> will write a A in the mesure.
The @0 means 'at the 0th position', so that you can use @5A and the program will automatically translate the A to the 5th position (in a E position).
Translation can also be done with a capot, then the chord name starts with a C rather than with an @. For example C2A will be translated to a G at the 2nd position.
A complete list of the chords the program knows can be found here.

Chords can also be defined by the user when they're unknown. You just have to put a VALUE parameter indicating the absolute positions on the strings, for instance, @0A has a predefined value of ".,0,3,3,3,0". '.' meaning 'don't use string'.


Here is the Tablature applet running :

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Here is the tablature file :

This is our first sample tablature : use of chords

<M rem="Usual chords">
<Chord Name="@0A">
<Chord Name="@0E">

<Chord Name="@0Dm7">
<Chord Name="@0F7">

<M rem="Chords automatically translated">
<Chord Name="@5A">
<Chord Name="@7E">

<Chord Name="C2F#m7">
<Chord Name="C2A">

<M rem="User defined chord">
<Chord Name="@7little" value="x,x,x,9,8,7">
<Chord Name="@5led" value="x,x,x,7,7,5">
<Chord Name="@3zeppelin" value="x,x,x,5,5,3">
<Chord Name="@5progression" value="x,x,x,7,7,5">